So it's been a busy and exciting few months! Here's a list of recent (and upcoming) speaking engagements:
- December 5, 2018: "Looking to the future of Citizens' Assemblies" - panel at the workshop "Citizens' Assemblies: Time to Renew European Democracy". I'll be talking about "How to get from elections to sortition."
- October 13, 2018: My US National Public Radio (NPR) interview went to air: "Should we replace politicians with randomly selected citizens?"
- October 11, 2018: "People, Parliaments, Possibilities?" - I spoke on this panel at the Scottish Festival of Politics.
- August 28, 2018: I was interviewed by the English-language Spanish Radio Station "Talk Radio Europe."
- August 25, 2018: I was on the panel "Adventures in Democracy" talking up sortition at the Byline Festival. I also ran a workshop the day before.
The word spreads!
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